The emoji with the Unicode 1F407 is the
Rabbit emoji. It is not a combined Unicode, meaning it stands alone in its representation. The emoji depicts a white or grey rabbit, often shown in full profile. The rabbit is a small mammal, known for its long ears and fast speed.
The primary and most common uses for the Rabbit emoji are to represent the animal itself, or to symbolize characteristics associated with rabbits, such as speed, timidity, or fertility. It is also used in the context of Easter, as rabbits are a common symbol of the holiday. In social media reactions, it can be used to express cuteness or affection, as rabbits are often seen as adorable creatures.
Non-romantic or non-obvious uses of the Rabbit emoji include representing the concept of multiplication or rapid growth, as rabbits are known for their high reproduction rate. It can also be used to represent positive sentiments such as innocence, gentleness, and being carefree, as these are traits often associated with rabbits.
The Rabbit emoji is popular among animal lovers and is often used in conversations about pets or wildlife. It is also popular during the Easter season. The rabbit is a significant symbol in various cultures, representing luck in some and fear in others.
Related emojis include the
Rabbit Face emoji, which is a cartoon-like variant of the Rabbit emoji, and the
Carrot emoji, which is often used in conjunction with the Rabbit emoji due to the common association between rabbits and carrots. Other related emojis include other small mammal emojis, such as the
Mouse emoji or the Squirrel emoji.
In specific apps or communities, the Rabbit emoji can have unique associations. For example, in the Snapchat community, the Rabbit emoji can be used to signify speed, referencing the app's speed filter feature. On Instagram, it is often used in posts about pets, wildlife, or nature.